Loyaan Egal

Bureau Chief of the Enforcement Bureau
Federal Communications Commission

Andrew Hasty

Federal Trade Commission

​Peter Fatelnig

Minister-Counsellor for Digital Economy Policy
Delegation of the European Union to the USA

​João Rodrigues

​Senior Legal Advisor
European Parliament - Liaison Office to the United States

​Rohit Chopra

​Federal Trade Commission

Christopher Hoff

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Services
U.S. Department of Commerce

​Kathryn McKenzie

Senior Counsel, Office of Privacy & Civil Liberties
​U.S. Department of Justice

Danielle Estrada

Attorney Advisor to Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya
Federal Trade Commission

Stacey Schesser

Supervising Deputy Attorney General
California Dep. of Justice

Rebecca Kelly Slaughter
Rebecca Kelly Slaughter

Federal Trade Commission

Sessions and workshops moderated: