Al Saikali, Elissa Doroff, Serge Jorgensen, Jad Sheikali
The “Join Session” button will become active on the day of the conference.
PM Workshop
This workshop will begin with a discussion of biometric technology – how it works, its strengths and flaws, and where it is headed. Attendees will then learn about U.S. and foreign laws that apply to biometric information, the tsunami of litigation that has arisen from the collection of biometric information, and pending laws and regulations that will impact the future of biometric technology. The final part of the workshop will provide attendees with guidance on ways to comply with the patchwork of biometric privacy laws and litigation risk minimization techniques.
Al Saikali, Partner, Shook, Hardy & Bacon
Elissa Doroff, Vice President, Underwriting and Product Manager for Technology and Cyber Liability, AXA XL
Serge Jorgensen, Founding Partner & President, Sylint
Jad Sheikali, Attorney; Privacy, Security, and Class Actions, Honigman